Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thanksgiving Week

Please do two drawings of one street view at different times of the day: one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Please note the following points:

  • Color perspective

  • Color mixing

  • Composition

Please use pencils and color/wartercolor pencils, and do the drawings on two sheets of 14x17 sketch papers. It is suggested that it will be easier to take photos of the street view, and then do the drawings accordingly.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Week 9

(Due to the big project that we will be intensively doing for the next two weeks, we only have one homework in the following two week. No copy sketchs and graphic journals.)

Choose to do one drawing from the following three building photos. Consider choosing from all the techniques that we already learned in the semester, especially perspective. Use pencil, colorpencil and maybe pen. On 14x17 sketchbook, in color.

Dueday: November 9 before class.