Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thanksgiving Week

Please do two drawings of one street view at different times of the day: one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Please note the following points:

  • Color perspective

  • Color mixing

  • Composition

Please use pencils and color/wartercolor pencils, and do the drawings on two sheets of 14x17 sketch papers. It is suggested that it will be easier to take photos of the street view, and then do the drawings accordingly.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Week 9

(Due to the big project that we will be intensively doing for the next two weeks, we only have one homework in the following two week. No copy sketchs and graphic journals.)

Choose to do one drawing from the following three building photos. Consider choosing from all the techniques that we already learned in the semester, especially perspective. Use pencil, colorpencil and maybe pen. On 14x17 sketchbook, in color.

Dueday: November 9 before class.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Week 8 - Color Theories

First of all, I would like you to review the color theories that we learned in class (a lot of concepts for you to memorize.) Here, you can view what we have learned in class about color theories from here.

Try out your water color pencil and write the names with neat handwriting. Follow the following examples: 1) The way of shading with your color pencils from dry to wet (use water and brush to blend) and 2) Lettering for hand-writing.

Do the practice on your 9x12 sketchbook. Lie out all the colors you have got from your watercolor pencils. Shade and blend individual colors from dry to wet. Find out some transition relations between neighbor color shades, rather than in random order, for example, put different kinds of greens together, and then transit to yellow or blue, which are close to the color green. Write the color names following the lettering instruction. Use a pencil to draw the lines for your writing (see the example), then use a pen to write. The major title could be like "My watercolor pencil colors," or you could be creative on this. Always keep your paper clean and nice looking!

Copy sketches:
Choose one of the following three sketches to do on your 14x17 sketchbook paper.

Graphic Journals:
Do one of your graphic journals with color.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Week 7 - Multimedia (Adobe Photoshop)

Homework 1:

Use a pencil (B or 2B), sharpen it, and drawing your hand holding something with contour lines only. Hold your hand away from the paper. Look at your hand, not the paper (90% of the time, you should occasionally glance at the paper for control and to acquire more accurate proportion.) Imagine you are touching the surface of your hand with the point of the pencil as you draw. Draw slowly and deliberately. Vary the pressure of the pencil as you move the line over the page. Try to avoid picking up the pencil as you draw, keep it contact with the surface of the page. Draw as close to life size as possible, on 9x12 sketchbook. (See examples below.)

Homework 2:

Simple Still Life drawing. Select several familiar objects (4 to 6 pieces) and arrange on your desk as a small still life. Draw your composition in contour line with pencils. Please avoid tone and texture. Simplify detail and focus on the surface as well as outline of the objects observed. Draw on 9x12 sketchbook.

When you choose drawing objects, please consider mixing their shapes (tall, short, linear, mass, big and small) and pleasant composition of the still life (remember the triangle composition principle that I mentioned in class before?) See examples below.

Copy sketch:

Please use pens to copy the following sketch on grid paper.

Graphic Journal:

Please do one of the graphic journals to draw your roommate (whole body in anything position, not just drawing their face), using contour lines only. Please see the examples below.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Week 6 - Pencil shading techniques

1. Scan all your drawings that you've done from this class in this semester. Next week, we are going to learn how to make portfolio in Adobe Photoshop. So you are supposed to get ready by saving your drawings in JPEG or JPG files in your flash drive and bringing them to class. The architecture library on 9th floor in architecture building has very good scanners. We will use your scanned files on Monday class.

2. Draw one of your winter shoes. Please see the example of the glove drawing below. When your draw your shoe, you are supposed to get as much detail as possible like the glove drawing. Shapen your pencils first and always keep your pencils sharp. When you shade, don't blend with your finger or any tool. Just show the natural lines and shading strokes. Do this on 14x17 sketchbook. The drawing should be about the same size as your shoe.

2. Copy Sketches.
Choose one of the two examples below to copy. Do them use pencils on 14x17 sketchbook.

3. Graphic Journal.

Do one of the graphic journals by using "cross contour" to your hand holding a drink (anykind is fine). Please see the example below. Use pencils. Don't forget to write text and date on your journals.